Government & Corporate
There are a number of benefits from improving the visibility you have over your corporate or government fleet. With fleet management software you can:

Control Operational Costs
A study by Victoria’s RACQ found that changing driver behaviour can reduce fuel use by 4.6 per cent. By monitoring driver behaviour you can not only reduce running costs and keep your vehicles on the road longer. Employing scheduled maintenance will also keep your fleet running efficiently and help you to identify small problems before they become larger and costlier.

Health & Safety Obligations
At-risk driver behaviour and poor maintenance endanger your drivers and other road users. Addressing these problems reduces risk and ensures you are meeting your duty of care. The addition of two-way satellite communication also allows drivers to keep in touch in remote areas.

Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT)
An Australian Tax Office-approved reporting tool means a driver simply has to record whether they were using a vehicle for business or personal use on their in-cab device at the start of every trip. FBT liability is automatically calculated.